mercoledì 15 giugno 2016

The mafia places in Palermo, a free download app

"Noma - places and stories NOmafia" is a free download application on tablets and smartphones, usable wherever you are, that guide citizens, tourists, young people and students through the streets of Palermo and around the places of the attacks of mafia who shocked the Italian history since the '70s.

Active since February 5, 2016 with the first 15 stories to date has already exceeded 100,000 downloads. The innovative format of the app NOmafia became communication model for ease of use and cultural knowledge tool for the younger generation.

NOMA enjoys the patronage of the City of Palermo and was born from the non-profit "on our legs", founded by Pierfrancesco Diliberto (aka PIF), Roberta Iannì, Emanuela Giuliano and Tiziano Di Cara (author of the idea of ​​ app).

Monday, June 20th, 2016 at 19.30, at the first presentation in Palermo at the Teatro Biondo, 7 new stories will be presented: Ninni Cassarà, a close associate of Giovanni Falcone, killed August 6th, 1985; Calogero Zucchetto, a close associate of Ninni Cassara, killed Nov. 14th, 1982; Filadelfio Aparo, hound of the fugitives, killed on January 11th, 1979; Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, General of the Carabinieri killed September 3rd, 1982; Paolo Giaccone, coroner, killed on 11th August 1982; Peppino Impastato, anti-mafia activist, killed May 9th, 1978; Gaetano Costa, chief prosecutor, killed Aug. 6, 1980.

These seven stories are added to earlier already published: Antonino Agostino, Paolo Borsellino, Rocco Chinnici, Mauro De Mauro, Giovanni Falcone, Mario Francese, Boris Giuliano, Libero Grassi, Carmelo Iannì, Pio La Torre, Piersanti Mattarella, Beppe Montana, Padre Pino Puglisi, Pietro Scaglione, Cesare Terranova.

The app with its 22 routes also speaks in English and leads through the streets of the city of Palermo and its surroundings, in places of mafia attacks.

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